Flooring & Roofing

Winter Worries for Homeowners

Winter is, as they say, the most wonderful time of the year; there’s nothing better than sitting inside with a hot drink and watching the snow fall. Unfortunately, between the holidays and the snowfall, there can be an awful lot of stress, especially for homeowners. Here are three common concerns that the winter weather can bring to homeowners.

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Snow Loads

One common concern for homeowners is snow buildup on roofs during winter. The extra weight can be incredibly damaging, particularly with flat roofs. Shoveling roofs can be intimidating, but the alternative is extra weight and then the trouble of water infiltration as the snow melts. Ice dams can cause even more damage.

Heating Bills

It may seem an obvious one, but skyrocketing heating costs can be a huge source of stress for homeowners in the wintertime. Old windows can leach the heat from your home, and draughty doorways can also cause problems. Old insulation may need to be updated to prevent even more heat loss, leading to wasted energy and wasted money. Check your annual heating costs and see about updating your insulation to cut back on those costs.

Ice Damage

Ice damage doesn’t just come from weight and water on your roof. It can also come in the form of burst pipes and cracked foundations. Remember your physics: water expands as it freezes, which can wedge small cracks into bigger cracks and break open metal. Additionally, ice can weaken trees and the accumulation of ice on trees can cause them to drop branches or even fall over completely.

Don’t let minter worries ruin your holiday season. Make sure you have a plan to deal with snow on your roof, and that you’re properly insulated against the colder weather, and that you have a plan to deal with potential ice damage.

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Hi, this is Hugh Hook. I’m here to share my insights on a wide variety of home improvement topics. I hope that my site becomes a platform for your inspiration on green living and DIY projects.
Hugh Hook
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