Flooring & Roofing

The Many Choices for Domestic Flooring

If you plan on re-flooring part or all of your home, there are many materials that you could use, and this choice has far reaching consequences. Many homeowners prefer the timeless look of real timber, while others opt for a composite material, but whatever your preference, here are a few possibilities for home flooring.

  • Timber Flooring – There are very good hardwoods that are suitable for flooring, and while it isn’t the cheapest option, you can’t beat the look and feel of a hardwood floor. There are companies that specialise in timber flooring, and if you are looking for wood flooring in Littlehampton, for example, there is one company that can quote for a range of timber solutions. There are many advantages to choosing timber as a flooring material, and with sanding and varnishing, you can retain that natural look for many years.
  • Vinyl Flooring – Extremely durable and attractive, vinyl flooring is a cost effective way to add some style and elegance to any home, and with a range of faux timber and stone designs, you can match the existing surrounds. Vinyl flooring comes in sheets or easy to lay tiles, and can be laid on just about any substrate, making it a popular choice.
  • Laminated Flooring – If you like the look of real timber, but your budget is limited, you might want to consider a laminated floor, as this gives you the elegant look of wood at a fraction of the cost. The range of styles is extensive and by talking to an established flooring contractor, you can get a clear picture of what is possible, and with a laminated floor, there is absolutely no maintenance. Laminated flooring is ideal for high traffic areas, and with an extensive range of finishes, finding the right one is not an issue.
  • Concrete Flooring – Modern concrete allows for a range of colours and finishes, and with screeding, one can create a number of attractive effects. There are many hand tools that can create stunning finishes, and by talking to an established flooring contractor, you might be surprised at the many finishes that concrete can bring.
  • Stone Flooring – Like timber, stone is an expensive choice, but there’s little to challenge it in terms of durability. Polished stone really does look superb, and the range of types offer great choice, and with the right supplier, you can create something truly unique.

There are so many choices that it is advisable to talk to an established provider prior to making a decision, and by asking several companies to quote, you will be in a position to make an informed decision. The flooring is a major component for style, and any of the above materials would make for an excellent choice, depending, of course, on the style of your home. Timber brings with it many benefits, and if your budget doesn’t stretch to hardwood, laminated flooring gives you the best of both worlds.

About author


I'm a blogger and writer who has been working in the home improvement industry for over six years. My articles deal with everything from installing a faucet to replacing siding on a house.
Lauren Andrea
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