Home Improvement

Gardening for Beginners: How to Get Started

Gardening has proven to be not just an enjoyable hobby for thousands of people, but one that’s good for your health. It’s no wonder there are thousands of people across the world planting seeds in their back gardens every day.

But when it comes to gardening, starting the hobby at all can be an intimidating proposition. There’s a lot of tools that are involved, as well as a lot of jargon to get to grips with.

Gardening for beginners sounds, on paper, easier said than done. But we’re here to tell you that isn’t the case. There are lots of things you can do to help ease you into starting a garden.

We’ve listed some of the things you need to bear in mind below.

  1. Gardening For Beginners: Shop For Everything You Need to Start

The first barrier that many people have when it comes to gardening is not having the right tools or plants. That’s why it can be helpful to go out and buy everything you need first, so you have it to hand.

It’s a good idea to buy some of the more essential tools first. This can include a spade, a rake, a watering can, and other core items. You may also need plant pots if you’re looking to grow certain plants.

There are then larger items to consider if you’ve got a big garden, like wheelbarrows.

If you head to a garden center or a plant nursery, they should have a section where they keep all of these core items. This is the best approach to take for beginners, as these stores are designed to have everything you need to get started.

Ask one of the assistants if you’re unsure what kind of tools you might need to begin.

Once you’ve purchased your tools, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to grow.

  1. It’s All About the Location and the Soil

As any budding gardener will tell you, you need to think about your garden location and your soil.

In terms of location, try to segment a patch of your garden which receives the most sunlight. This is essential to ensuring your flowers or plants remain healthy.

If you don’t have enough space in your own garden, consider getting an allotment or a garden off your property. This allows you a short walk between your home and your garden, which can become meditative.

Regardless of where you choose to set up your garden, you need to check your soil. The consistency and type of your soil will determine what kind of things you can actually grow in your garden.

Make sure you test your soil before you grow anything. You should be looking for a ph of 7, which are the preferable conditions for a lot of, but not all, plants and vegetables.

The better you know your soil, the better you’ll come to know your plants.

  1. Easy to Grow Plants When You’re Just Starting Out

A lot of people looking to get into gardening to grow new plants in their garden.

These could be flowers and other foliage, or edibles like vegetables or fruit trees. There’s no right or wrong way to garden; that’s the fun of the exercise.

Think about what you’d personally like to do with your garden, and buy seeds or plants accordingly.

But before you set your heart on something that takes years of expertise to manage, there are some vegetables you can grow that are easier to start with. In terms of easier vegetables to grow initially, these can include:

  • Potatoes
  • Bush Tomatoes
  • Radishes
  • Cayenne Chilli
  • Courgettes
  • Beetroots

This isn’t an exhaustive list, and you may not be in the right climate or soil type to grow some of these vegetables. But they should give you an idea of the kind of things you can aim to grow as a gardening beginner.

There are a huge number of benefits to growing your own vegetables in your own vegetable garden. Just try not to overwhelm yourself if you’re just starting out.

You don’t need to have a whole new vegetable patch to enjoy gardening. Take it slow, and nurture what plants you do choose to grow initially.

  1. Tips and Tricks for Gardening Beginners

Finally, there are some tricks of the trade that you can get a headstart on if you’re a beginner. The first of these is to plan for your frost dates.

Frost dates are periods when bad weather, particularly frost, is predicted in your area. You need to plan around this period to ensure that your plants grow appropriately.

Another tip you need to remember is what’s known as mulch. It doesn’t sound particularly inviting, but mulch can help your plants grow considerably larger over time.

Mulch is essentially a small layer, around 2-3 inches, around each of your plants. Adding mulch means that you’ll need to water your plants less over time. It can also help them attain sunlight and means that they’re less susceptible to weeds.

Finally, make sure you set out a routine for when you feed your plants. If you don’t do this, you risk forgetting and leaving your garden to rot.

All the hard work you’ve done to set up can go up in smoke if you don’t periodically tend to your garden. Set out an hour every other day if you can, where you know you’ll be tending to your plants.

This can make it a more routine hobby, which can make it more relaxing as you get into it.

Where Can I Find Out More About Gardening?

You should now know how gardening for beginners works. The above four tips should set you on your way to becoming a master gardener in no time.

The trick is always love and perseverance, as well as a lot of patience. If you’re interested in finding out more about gardening or other environmental topics, make sure to take a look through some of the previous posts on our website.

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Hi, this is Hugh Hook. I’m here to share my insights on a wide variety of home improvement topics. I hope that my site becomes a platform for your inspiration on green living and DIY projects.
Hugh Hook
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