Home Decorating

How to Maintain Your Bathroom

While other areas of your home can be given a little leniency from being a bit messy at times, you can be sure that your bathroom can not. The bathroom needs to be clean and neat, not only so it looks good, but because it is a favourite breeding place for bacteria. Your health can suffer if you are not careful with this essential room of your home. You need to make a few investments to ensure that the cleaning products you use are effective and can ensure the cleanliness of your bathroom. You can make good use of a Cleaning Guide to help you out with sound cleaning advice.

Here are some practical tips to keep your bathroom well-maintained and spotless.

Keep it smelling fresh

One of the more challenging issues of the bathroom is how to keep it smelling fresh and clean. One of the best ways is to keep it well-ventilated. Having a bathroom fan venting air outside is an excellent idea. You can also improve the circulation of air by keeping a window at least partly open to allow the air from inside to move out of the room. Keep candles and matches ready for anyone who uses the bathroom. Make use of linen sprays in your favourite scent for towels and other cloth materials inside. Fresh flowers are another way to keep your bathroom smelling good. Try to air dry used towels as damp ones that are left inside do not smell pleasant.

Keep mildew away

Mildew build-up can be avoided by keeping the bathroom dry, especially the shower. One idea is to have a squeegee within reach and take a few minutes to wipe away water from the walls and the shower doors or tub after use. By making this a habit, you save a lot more time from cleaning it up when you do your general cleaning. At the same time, you are sure that your bathroom is always spotless at any time of the day.

Keep your bathroom cabinets neat

If you want to have an attractive bathroom, you need to get rid of stuff that wastes precious space. Your bathroom cabinets should always be tidied up with everything in its proper place. Keep only the essentials. Towels must be neatly folded, and bathroom items appropriately arranged. Make sure that the things that are most often used are within easy reach. Avoid overcrowding that will make the room look cluttered and messy.

Keep decor to a minimum

Adding a few pieces of art to decorate your bathroom for accent can enhance the look of your bathroom. However, overdoing decor can also create the opposite effect. Keep it minimal. You can also bring in a plant that will thrive perfectly inside a bathroom because of the humidity in the room. Apart from prettying up the space, it helps clean up the air too.

A bathroom, like a kitchen, should always be clean and sanitary. It should also look pleasant, so you and your guests can enjoy its comforts and the personal time spent there.

About author


I'm a blogger and writer who has been working in the home improvement industry for over six years. My articles deal with everything from installing a faucet to replacing siding on a house.
Lauren Andrea
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