Home Improvement

Key Concepts Of What It Means To Bring Comfort Into Interior Design

After years of struggling to find that much sought-after comfort in your living room, you’ve decided it’s time to undergo a total makeover of the room you spend so much time in. However, you just can’t seem to justify what you’ve found when researching cozy living rooms or comfy furniture with what comfort means to you. You have found listing after listing of ‘comfortable’ sofas and reclining chairs, but they don’t fit the definition of what you would consider to be comfortable in any sense of the word. So, what does that tell you? Perhaps it’s time to look at the definition of the word so that you can work that into your DIY living room makeover plans.

A Look at What Merriam-Webster Has to Say

According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary established in 1828, there are variations of how the word “comfortable” can be defined. To begin with, the word is an adjective, which means it describes or modifies a noun. So, in terms of a “comfortable sofa” it could mean “enjoying physical comfort,” or “free from stress or tension.” This should be the key element in adding layers of comfort to interior design. However, this is where issues begin to pop up as well.

Comfort Is a Subjective Element in Interior Design

Sadly, comfort doesn’t always mean the same thing to different people. This is why those adjustable sleep number beds are so popular. One spouse likes a firm mattress while the other one likes to sink into a soft mattress with little support. This is where you should begin with your design blueprint.

What makes a room feel comfortable when you walk in? Is it a color scheme or perhaps a room that is not overly busy, such as in minimalistic design? Maybe you prefer to see design elements that speak to things of importance in a person’s life, such as sacred icons being hung on walls instead of pictures of landscapes or exotic animals. Comfort might simply mean design elements that reflect your personality.

The Bottom Line: You Do You!

If it’s all about comfort and not about what design elements are trending today, then the bottom line is adding elements that give you a relaxed and welcoming feeling when walking into a room. You want to include those things that give you a feeling of contentment. While minimalist décor may make you uncomfortable, a room filled with personal trinkets and memorabilia might be your idea of the epitome of comfort.

This is where you draw the line! If you are not comfortable, then it’s not what it means to be a ‘living room.’

Whether you often entertain guests or not, this is your living room and where you need to find that place of safety and comfort apart from the world outside your home. It is a space you will occupy and thus a space where you can find comfort every minute of every day. That’s what comfort in interior design is all about and the key element to pursue when creating your own blueprint for comfortable interior design in your home.

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Hi, this is Hugh Hook. I’m here to share my insights on a wide variety of home improvement topics. I hope that my site becomes a platform for your inspiration on green living and DIY projects.
Hugh Hook
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