
Planning a Remodel? Top 7 Most Beautiful Kitchen Trends in 2020

Are you thinking about redesigning your kitchen? Since we’re all spending so much time at home it makes sense to want to spice up your kitchen, for many people the center of their home.

We not only make all our meals in the kitchen, but it’s also often where our families and friends gather at the start and end of every day and where we come to discuss a crisis in the family.

But what style or design should you go for? Here’s everything you need to know about kitchen trends for 2020 to give you some kitchen remodel ideas.

  1. Marble and Extravagance

One of the best kitchen trends is to have an extravagant looking kitchen. This is a kitchen that looks like something out of a baroque movie. There are striking colors and big statements.

With Donald Trump still the president in 2020, everyone wants their kitchen to look like the inside of Trump Tower with its gold-plated elevator.

You want your guests to come into your kitchen and think wow as they sit down. To get this look right you could consider marble or granite worktops. White marble on black or gold looks spectacular.

  1. Look to the Future

Another one of the best kitchen trends in 2020 is to look or go back to the future. Kitchens are changing. They are becoming minimalistic. You could go for the white look and create a feeling of cleanliness and calm in your kitchen.

There’s no need for pots or pans hanging around as you can keep these hidden away with lots of storage space in cupboards.

A miniature style kitchen also contains lots of new technology which can make your life much easier.

Smart Kitchen

One of the ways technology will transform your kitchen is through a smart speaker and smart kitchen tech. You can ask your smart speaker to boil your kettle, turn your lights on and off, open your blinds or turn on your fan.

With smart fridges, you can even get your fridge to order new food for you when you run out, automatically debiting your Amazon account.

A smart kettle or smart coffee machine can boil you a cup of your favorite beverage without you even having to think.

If you set up routines you can even ensure that all of these tasks take place at regular intervals each day without you even having to press a button.

Another piece of tech kit that will ensure your kitchen is always immaculate is the iRobot cleaning device.

You may think this technology costs a lot but it can replace the need to hire a cleaner so it can save you money in the long run. New tech is one of the hottest 2020 kitchen trends.

  1. Window to the Past

While some people love new tech others want their kitchen to be a window to the past and a place they can feel at home in, that transcends the madness of modern-day life.

You could go with an open stove theme. You could have a huge stove at the center of your room that radiates heat and warmth. This is similar to the way many people in the medieval period laid out their kitchens.

All around the stove or the fireplace you could hang your pots and pans and other equipment to make the room look cozy and homey. Generally, dark colors and low ceilings are useful to make your room look small.

You could hide any modern equipment like microwaves or rice cookers in a cupboard so as not to spoil the illusion of your kitchen remodel.

Another stylistic feature you could make into an old-style kitchen is to build yourself a pantry. This is a small room that contains all of your spices and herbs as well as canned food. It can make your kitchen clean and tidy but it’s also extra space and a confined room for smelling herbs and spices.

  1. Back to Bricks

Exposed bricks are also a key theme that keeps cropping up in 2020. Having the brickwork on display can make you feel as if you are outside. It gives your kitchen a rustic or rough and ready style.

Removing the formality from your kitchen can make your guests feel at ease when they sit down. There’s no harm in your guests sitting around in their bedclothes if they want to.

You also don’t need to expose every wall with bricks. You could just have a feature wall to help make one wall of the kitchen stand out. This is a great idea if you’ve gone for a minimalist whitewashed idea in the rest of your kitchen as this could be too bland, depending on the space you have.

Remember to have your bricks cleaned and repointed before you start to decorate the rest of your kitchen so they look clean and striking and not dirty.

A back to bricks look also goes well with this premium fireclay firehouse sink that you might want to install.

Kitchen Trends: So Many Great Ideas

How do you follow the trends in 2020? The truth is that everyone has so many different ideas for their kitchen and we are such a heterogeneous culture that there are few trends. But there are some ideas that might work for you depending on your tastes and your kitchen space.

Back to bricks is a great idea that can make you feel as if you are living in a trendy studio in London or New York or you could consider the older medieval look complete with an open stove.

If you are interested in reading more about kitchen trends in 2020 be sure to check out the rest of our site.

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Hi, this is Hugh Hook. I’m here to share my insights on a wide variety of home improvement topics. I hope that my site becomes a platform for your inspiration on green living and DIY projects.
Hugh Hook
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