Door & Windows

Sash Windows Save, Repair, or Replace: The great sash window debate


Are your windows worth repairing?

Wooden windows are classic, many buildings have them, both old and new. Houses that were built decades ago can have damaged sashes and glass. If rooms have been cold for many years due to drafts, and you need effort to open the windows, then you need to update such double-glazed windows urgently. Owners decide to replace their windows completely, without thinking about the fact that timber windows restoration is possible. It is much easier to preserve the beauty and comfort of your home.

By contacting Scott James, you can find out if your windows can be restored. Our experts will conduct a thorough examination of your window frame and sashes, before proceeding with the restoration. The site offers options for the repair work with windows.

Steps involved in repair process

Restoration of windows includes several stages. As a rule, specialists are engaged in replacing rotten wood and doors that have ceased to work correctly or have been damaged over time. Sash windows renovation includes the following steps:

  • removal of windows from the frame;
  • quality control of wood (removal of rotten elements);
  • replacement of the wooden part of the structure, if the old one is too damaged;
  • filling empty space with special materials;
  • replacement of cords and pulleys, if necessary (for the sashes to work more smoothly).

If your house gets cold due to drafts, an additional sealing system will be installed, so that your windows don’t rattle in strong winds. Innovative systems allow you to achieve a constant temperature at your home at any time of the year, and you will also notice a decrease in the cost of heating in the cooler season.

Benefits of regular windows maintenance

Carrying out restoration work will help preserve the beauty of your building, especially when it comes to houses of historical value. The cost of rebuilding is well worth it because it’s a long-term perspective. Installing a new glass unit will cost a lot more.

The level of energy efficiency of your home will be increased – it will be achieved through the installation of a draft protection system. If the owners were worried about the noise from the street, then refurbishment of their double-glazed windows will help get rid of it.

Supporters of environmentally friendly materials rightfully appreciate natural wood windows. They don’t emit toxic substances, and the house is always cozy and comfortable. If necessary, you can paint the frame and sashes in any shade, if the available color doesn’t match your interior design.

Refurbished wooden windows have a long service life. The difference is noticeable compared to modern PVC windows – plastic ones work for 50 years, and wooden ones can be used for about 100. Therefore, replacing damaged elements helps to extend their service life and keep your home warm.

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Hi, this is Hugh Hook. I’m here to share my insights on a wide variety of home improvement topics. I hope that my site becomes a platform for your inspiration on green living and DIY projects.
Hugh Hook
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