Door & Windows

Tell-Tale Signs That your Windows Need Replacing

The majority of British homes have already made the change to double glazed windows, and if yours is in the minority, perhaps it is time to consider replacing them with state-of-the-art double-glazed units. While it is an expensive project, the long-term benefits are very attractive, and if you are yet to be convinced that now is the right time, here are a few tell-tale signs that the time has come to carry out the improvement.

  • Rotten Window Frames – For many decades, British homes were built using softwood window frames, which have a lifespan of no more than a decade, and if you notice mold and growth around the corners of the frames, and the paint is peeling, this is a sign that they are on their way out. With a local windows supplier in Tamworth who offers top quality, made to measure double glazed windows and doors, you can choose a design and negotiate a price.
  • Excessive Condensation – If you regularly have to mop us the water that runs down the inside of the glass, this will eventually lead to damaged plaster, whereas, double glazed windows are thermally broken, which means no condensation on either the glass or the frames.
  • Huge Heating Bills – If you dread the winter quarter bill dropping into the letterbox, the chances are your windows are the cause of this. The amount of heat lost through a single pane of glass is considerable and a large house will mean the boiler is constantly working to maintain the desired temperature.

Once you have made the decision to go ahead with the replacement, ask a couple of local companies to quote for the project and with the right design and a professional installation, you can expect to enjoy many winters of warmth and comfort.

About author


I'm a blogger and writer who has been working in the home improvement industry for over six years. My articles deal with everything from installing a faucet to replacing siding on a house.
Lauren Andrea
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