
7 Ways to Reduce Stress on Your Next Move

Moving is usually considered by many to be an enormous headache. Those who have gone through it often have unpleasant memories of the process: dozens of disorganized boxes and bags, lost or broken things and extremely long days. Worst of all, you end up exhausted, and life does not pause. During the move, you must continue with your daily obligations, which can cause your stress levels to peak.

Moving doesn’t have to be a stressful process; there are ways to make it much less overwhelming. To help you remain calm during your move, we have compiled seven ways to reduce stress during this change.

Organize it in advance

Many often think that you can do this process in just one week. However, you should prepare many aspects in advance if you want your move to be as stressless as possible. Firstly, start storing things room by room every time you have the time. Also, verify that you have the necessary boxes and bags for everything. Plan or change the date in case the weather forecast says that there will be rain, and, above all, make sure all agreements are paid and signed with the bank and the landlord of your new home. Also, try to ask for leave from work on the days you’re going to move. This way, you can fully concentrate on the process without significant distractions.

Prepare a suitcase only for the moving day

Consider what essential items you’ll need in the first two weeks during and after the move. Once you start moving things, you may lose control of where everything is going, and some things can be complicated to find. Prepare a suitcase in advance and identify the items that you think you’ll need in the first days in your new home. In general, your bag must contain important documents such as your IDs and any contracts, keys, clothing, personal items, household toiletries, money, medicines, water and a cellphone. But you don’t have to limit yourself to just these items; you can add anything you think is necessary for you or your family.

Get rid of what you don’t need

As you store things in boxes, you’ll explore parts of your home that you may not have visited in a while. Most likely, you’ll find objects that you haven’t used for years, and if you’ve not used them for so long, do you think you will use them in your new home? Take this opportunity and discard all those things that you haven’t used for a long time. If some of these things are in good condition, like clothes or toys, you can look for NGOs to donate them to and have someone put them to good use.

Condition the house before making the move

Take advantage of the move to make the necessary repairs and modifications in your new home. If you have to change the locks, paint, do a thorough cleaning, improve the electrical installation or change the floor, this is the time to do it, since the house is still empty. Afterwards, it will be much more complicated when all your furniture and other things begin to take up space.

Don’t forget to measure the new house well to make sure that the furniture you want to move fits.

Hire professionals

If you think you cannot move by yourself, it is best to hire the services of a moving company well in advance or get the help of a relocation service or removalist. It’s not uncommon to underestimate how many items you have in your home. Experts can not only help you lift heavy furniture, but also give you advice and help move things more efficiently and effectively.

Make a checklist

To keep better control of things, you should make a list of the boxes and furniture to ensure that you don’t leave anything in your old house or the moving truck. To make this step more manageable, you can identify your stuff with tags, so you can easily count all your belongings.

Notify about your new address

Remember to change the address for all your utilities: water, electricity, gas, internet. Also, notify your bank, work and any other institution that can send you a receipt by mail. Believe it or not, a fairly common problem is that many people stop receiving their mail because they forget to update their address. Be sure to update your data one or two weeks before the move to avoid this.

With these tips, you’ll feel much calmer before, during and after the move. And best of all, you’ll be starting your life in your new home with plenty of energy and enthusiasm.

Image Pexels License CCO

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Hi, this is Hugh Hook. I’m here to share my insights on a wide variety of home improvement topics. I hope that my site becomes a platform for your inspiration on green living and DIY projects.
Hugh Hook
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